Today in KS3L, students and staff enjoyed making some slime!
Levi - I liked mixing it together. I made red slime using red food dye.
Alfie - I put glitter in mine and red food dye.
Josh - I stirred a powder in and light blue food colouring. It worked well and is stretchy.
Joe - I like the slime, it is very squishy.
Jamie - I gave my slime to Levi. It was red slime.
Callum - I mixed the glue and black dye.
Amelia - I put glue in, activator in and glitter. Ethan said it’s dead sweaty so I’m not sure if I like it.
Tony - I don’t like slime, you get messy.
Ethan - It’s stretchy and bouncy. I used baking soda and PVA glue and activator. I didn’t use glitter or dye.
Kaleb - I made green slime with blue and gold glitter.
If you would like to try making the slime at home, you can see how we did it below!
Slime Recipe and Method
We followed the BBC Blue Peter method to make our slime. The only thing to mention is the contact lens solution needs to have borax / boric acid in it. We bought a slime activator which can be seen in the pictures on our gallery.