Image of KS4L- Science
18 September 2024

KS4L- Science

KS4L had lots of fun learning about different materials in science. This was part of their Science CREST Award: a hole in my bucket. 


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Image of KS4L- Mathematics
13 September 2024

KS4L- Mathematics

Miss Wilson’s maths class used their problem solving skills to practice using column method in a range of contexts. 


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Image of KS4L- Crime WOW Day
6 September 2024

KS4L- Crime WOW Day

KS4L had lots of fun being detectives for the day!

They looked at the evidence, experimented with ink, looked at fingerprints and interrogated the suspects.


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Image of KS4L First Day!
4 September 2024

KS4L First Day!

KS4L have had a fantastic first day back!

They shared lots of stories and pictures from their summer and had fun with their friends.


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Image of KS4L Diner & Park Trip
18 July 2024

KS4L Diner & Park Trip

Pupils in KS4L enjoyed their morning walking to the diner, paying for their items and then waiting for their change.

Pupils then enjoyed playing together at the park and having an ice lolly to cool down! 


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Image of KS4L- mini-beast hunt
17 July 2024

KS4L- mini-beast hunt

Pupils in KS4L enjoyed using magnifying glasses and a tick list to find different mini-beasts and their habitats. 
Pupils completed this as part of their Science CREST Award.


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Image of KS4L Transition Week
11 July 2024

KS4L Transition Week

Year 9’s and 10’s have enjoyed a fun filled week of transitions. 
Pupil’s enjoyed: meeting their new peers, making new friends and settling into their new class.

Lots of team work, problem solving and aiming high skills shown by all!


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Image of KS4 Sensory Story
21 June 2024

KS4 Sensory Story

KS4 classes have been enjoying the lovely weather and sat outside for their English lesson today. Miss Wilson’s class listened to their sensory story ‘The Jolly Postman’. All students were fully engaged in the lesson and all took part dressing up and using the different props for parts of the…

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Image of KS4L & W- Park Trip
20 June 2024

KS4L & W- Park Trip

KS4L & W enjoyed learning outside the classroom at the park.

Pupil’s practiced their Skills Builder: teamwork, problem solving, speaking and listening skills.


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Image of KS4L- BeeBot Maths
23 May 2024

KS4L- BeeBot Maths

Pupils in Miss Wilson’s maths class enjoyed using the BeeBots to learn about position and direction.

Pupils followed a range of visual and verbal instructions to move their BeeBots in different directions. 

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Image of KS4L- The Emperor’s New Clothes
16 May 2024

KS4L- The Emperor’s New Clothes

Miss Wilson’s CLL class enjoyed exploring their new book ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’.

Pupil’s pulled out and explored different items related to the story. Pupil’s then used these items to predict what is going to happen in the story. 

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Image of KS4- Sensory PE
26 April 2024

KS4- Sensory PE

Student’s in KS4 enjoyed setting up and completing a circuit as part of their sensory PE session.

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