MOVE challenges
Pupils have been working hard on their individual exercise plans in our MOVE workshop to get us moving more with greater independence. We always have fun during the sessions and students and staff take what they have learnt back to class to practice their skills further.
MOVE in the community
Our students enjoy using the skills they learn in MOVE workshops and generalising them. A favourite is being able to sit with friends when out rather than in a wheelchair, what a great achievement!
MOVE training
Mrs Gibbons is on a MOVE conference today keeping up with current research and looking at ways we can continue to support our pupils to develop their physical skills.
KS4W Math seasons work
We have been working hard in maths learning about seasons, months of the year and days of the week. As part of this we have been practicing our counting using season themed sensory trays so we maintain our previous skills while learning new information based on our topic.
KS4 Remembrance day
KS4 have worked hard this afternoon learning about Remembrance Day then going on a poppy hunt around school before creating a class Poppy to display.
Kidneys for Life fundraiser
Penny from Kidneys for Life came in today to collect the money the school raised following our Head girls fundraiser. Our head girl was very proud handing over the money as were the whole school community and it is great to hear about how the money will be used. We look forward to supporting theā¦
Attention autism - The tiny seed
KS4W enjoyed an attention autism session linked to our class story this half term which is ‘The tiny seed’. They enjoyed watching the bucket toys before watching glitter flowers being created and making their own flowers.
World book day in KS4
As part of World book day KS4 went to Skelmersdale library and enjoyed the activities and looking at a wide range of books.