Image of KS5W Breakfast barms
23 February 2024

KS5W Breakfast barms

KS5W cooked sausage and bacon breakfast barms this morning for staff. They are going to be opening up a pop-up cafe soon as part of their Business Enterprise challenge and wanted to start practicing. Lots to be learned from today and everybody worked really hard. Staff said they enjoyed their…

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Image of KS5 Drama Club
22 February 2024

KS5 Drama Club

Students from KS5 have been creating a horror script with the aim of recording it as a movie. More details to follow. It is top secret at the moment!!. It promises to be a scare fest!!! Be warned!!!


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Image of KS5W Immersive room
5 February 2024

KS5W Immersive room

KS5W enjoyed visiting the immersive room. They explored images from the countryside as they had just been listening to different countryside sounds in their music lesson. 

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Image of KS5W The Wider World
25 January 2024

KS5W The Wider World

KS5W have been learning about groups they belong to for their Asdan The Wider World module. They started by thinking about their family and shared pictures of them with their friends. They learned that all families are different and that their family is a group that they belong to. 

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Image of KS5W Confidence in Using Public Transport
25 January 2024

KS5W Confidence in Using Public Transport

KS5W loved catching the public bus today. Students have been developing their independence and organisation skills in getting ready to use the bus, gathering their belongings and keeping their travel card safe throughout their journey. All students were able to scan their Now cards, remembered to…

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Image of KS5H Litter pick
25 January 2024

KS5H Litter pick

KS5H recently took part in a litter pick after completing a survey of litter on a local walk. Students discovered that there were only a couple of bins on a mile walk and that most of the litter found was near houses. They decided that they could do something to help the environment by doing a…

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Image of KS5W Music Therapy
19 January 2024

KS5W Music Therapy

KS5W loved their first music therapy session today. What a lovely way to end the week.


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Image of New Braille
16 January 2024

New Braille

Casey has started work on her new Electronic Braille Note. Casey works each week with her VI {Visual Impairment} Specialist Sharon, not only with her Braille but with all the conjunctions that come with it {Braille Shorthand}.

It takes a lot of concentration and skill so Casey is continuing to…

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12 January 2024

KS5W Lunch in unit

Students have been continuing with learning how to make a sandwich. They have been practicing their spreading skills and the skill of following instructions. 

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Image of KS5W Differences.
10 January 2024

KS5W Differences.

KS5W have been learning about differences. They looked at different heights, eye colours, hair colours, clothes and shoe sizes. They are learning about differences to help them understand about different cultures as part of the Asdan Towards Independence ‘The Wider World’…

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Image of KS5W Polar Express Day
20 December 2023

KS5W Polar Express Day

We have been reading The Polar Express this term and today we have enjoyed a Polar Express day. We started with Polar Express themed maths and then after preparing and eating party food for our lunch, we put on our onesies and dressing gowns and climbed aboard the Polar Express. We had a special…

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Image of KS5H Environmental walk
18 December 2023

KS5H Environmental walk

KS5H have been studying pollution and decided to focus on surveying litter in their local environment. They created their own survey and completed their walk today. Everybody was shocked at how much litter was left close to people’s houses and by the lack of bins. We counted only 3 on our 40…

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