Welcome to our school


Thank you for showing an interest in our school, it is a pleasure to welcome you to West Lancashire Community High School.  We are an 11-19 provision for students with generic learning difficulties.


We believe at West Lancashire Community High School that everything should start with the young person.


We aim to create a safe, happy environment where all students are valued. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum with a wealth of opportunities. This not only gives the students an enriching school experience, but will also help prepare them with skills for life in the wider community.


We are committed to providing the best education for our students and are passionate about providing them with meaningful learning experiences which promote their development.


We are committed to ensuring that West Lancashire Community High School provides the highest quality education that prepares each individual student for the next stage in their lives.  It is our dedication to achieving three core principles that will allow us to develop students that are resourceful and resilient, these are:


  • Providing the highest quality of teaching and learning experiences for all students
  • Providing a curriculum that meets the needs and aspirations of all students
  • Providing the highest standard of care, support and guidance to allow every student to achieve success


There is a range of expertise throughout this school, from our highly skilled teachers and teaching assistants to a range of teams and leaders. Together, we ensure every student’s needs are met.


We offer a welcoming and supportive environment to parents, carers and their families. Our highly skilled staff look to celebrate all the achievements of our students.


Thank you for visiting our website. If you require any more information please do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone.  I would also welcome visits to the school from current and prospective families to see the school in action and share with us the opportunities that the future holds.


Best wishes,



Lee Fazackerley
