End of Week ParentMail 19.03.21

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next week will be our last week of the spring term, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank
our students, parents and carers who have continued to support the school during this term. This
term has seen home learning taking place due to the national lockdown, on-site testing for students and
the transferring of on-site testing to home testing. All of this couldn't have happened without the support
of parents and carers.

These changes have meant that we have had to adapt in many ways and it has been great to welcome
the majority of our students back on the 8th March. We look forward to the near future when all our
students are back on site as restrictions ease.

Today has seen our school community come together in helping raise money for Comic Relief. It was
lovely to see so many students wearing red. Thank you for all the cake donations which came into
school. The cake sale was a success and next week we will announce the competition winners for the
'Design a Nose' competition and the total amount raised.

Next Friday, students will finish at 1:15pm and transport will be notified to collect students at this time.
To help celebrate the end of term and all the hard work students have put into learning, next Friday will
be own clothes day and students can come to school in clothes of their choice.

The PTA have also organised film nights for each of the key stages and the following days and times


  • Key Stage 3 Monday 22nd March 3.30pm - 5.45pm
  • Learning suite Tuesday 23rd March 3.30pm - 5.45pm
  • Post 16 Wednesday 24th March 3.30pm - 5.45pm
  • Key Stage 4 Thursday 25th March 3.30pm - 5.45pm

Please can we ask that all students are collected from school at 5:45pm prompt. We will be monitoring
parents arriving and ensuring that social distancing is maintained. For this reason parents will be
asked to stay in their vehicles and pick up from the front playground when directed by members of
staff on duty.

As a gentle reminder, home testing needs to take place on Sunday evening and Thursday evening each

We would like to wish all our students and families an enjoyable weekend.

Kindest regards,

Mrs L Holcroft
Assistant Headteacher