School reopening
Dear Parent/Carers,
Thank you very much for your patience, understanding and support with the short notice regarding our closure today. It is never an easy decision to make to close school and I can appreciate that this can add undue pressure on you as families at very short notice. However, until I could fully assess the situation and get advice from Lancashire County Council, I feel I had no alternative on Health and Safety grounds with the vehicles and animals continually moving on and off the site.
The emergency response team from Lancashire County Council are dealing with the issue as the owners of the land, and have started court proceedings, but they have limited powers to start eviction proceedings within the first 7 day period. I have been liaising with the group and they have been very amicable with us and have indicated that they do plan to leave the school site on Sunday. Therefore, as things stand at the moment I intend to open as normal on Monday. If when I arrive on site on Monday they have not left then I have a contingency plan to re-open with additional precautions in place. However, I would urge you all to consider having alternative arrangements in place as there is no guarantee that the size of the group may not increase over the weekend which may impact on being able to open safely.
Lee Fazackerley