A warm welcome from WLCHS Governing Body

There are three main duties of a Governing Body:

  1. Providing a strategic direction for the work and improvement of the school
  2. Supporting, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the school
  3. Ensuring accountability for the standards achieved and the quality of education

Governors serve for four years; all parents with a child at the school are entitled to stand for election for Parent Governor.

The Full Governing Body monitors every aspect of the school. and meets twice a term to consider the curriculum, student progress, finance, staffing and premises matters. Every governor attends Full Governing Body meetings and joins working parties where it is appropriate to do so. Governors also assist in the development and implementation of a range of statutory and non-statutory policies in the school.

The core values of the School underpin everything we do as governors. We are committed to ensuring that WLCHS continues to work to their vision and values and with the help of students, staff and parents are confident that the School will go from strength to strength.

The school’s latest Ofsted Inspection, highlighted the many strengths of WLCHS and the Governing Body was very happy with the report issued from Ofsted.  However, we recognise that the school must consistently strive to improve and innovate to ensure the best possible outcomes for its students.  The Governing Body is heavily involved in the creation of the School’s Improvement Plan and acts as a ‘critical friend’ in all matters, and continues to strive to be outstanding.

Working very closely with the Headteacher, the Governing Body is ultimately responsible for the curriculum delivery, the school’s finances, personnel matters and also maintaining the school premises.  The Headteacher, with the staff, is responsible for the planning, teaching and monitoring of the curriculum and the day-to-day running of the school.  The Governors, Headteacher and staff work in partnership to promote the aims of the school.

This sounds very difficult but with the governors, teachers and students at WLCHS, being a Governor is enjoyable and rewarding. The Governing Body are a broad cross-section of the local community. Some have interests in specific areas; others are parents of the students at the school. Some work in education, others come from the world of business, the public sector and the voluntary sector. What they all have in common is a desire to commit their time and energy to the students at WLCHS. They bring with them a range of skills and talents but above all they bring enthusiasm and a sense of common purpose.

WLCHS is a happy place where young people feel safe and supported.  Our school ethos is based on inclusion and being at the heart of the local community.

The Governing Body is immensely proud of what the school consistently achieves and has a real determination to do even better in the future.  We have great plans in place to take the school forward in the coming years.

In short, the Governing Body’s aim is to ensure WLCHS provides its students the best educational start in life helping them to become happy, confident individuals who are given every opportunity to reach their potential.

Our Chair of Governors is Mr Jeff Seddon. Mr Seddon can be contacted at seddon@westlancs.lancs.sch.uk 

West Lancashire Community High School has the following Governor Vacancies

1 x Co-opted governor

1 x Parent governor

1 x Local Authority Governor

If you would like to express an interest in becoming a valued member of the schools Governing Body, please email Louise Holcroft at holcroft@westlancs.lancs.sch.uk for more information.

Governing Board Information

The Governing Body meets twice per term and incorporated within the agenda are the following items:

  1. Finance, Staff and Buildings, Health and Safety
  2. Curriculum and student progress

The following committees meet as and when required:

Appraisal and Pay - Three Governors

Attendance Committee - Two Governor plus one untainted Governor

Complaints appeals - Three untainted Governors

Grievance - Three untainted Governors

Pay appeals - Three untainted Governors

Student Discipline - Chair of Governors plus two untainted Governor

Staff Discipline - Chair of Governors plus two untainted Governor

Governing Body Membership

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Governing Body Attendance

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Updated: 30/06/2023 16 KB
Updated: 31/03/2023 17 KB

There is a vast amount of information available to governors and so we are building up a library of links to websites offering support to governors. Please feel free to suggest any additions or amendments to this page:


Lancashire County Council Governors Portal https://schoolsportal.lancsngfl.ac.uk/security/login.asp?page=/index.asp

Lancashire County Council SEND https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/practitioners/supporting-children-and-families/send/

National Governance Association https://www.nga.org.uk/Home.aspx