Clubs KS4
Students from KS4 have been enjoying working in different clubs during their lunch club. Great fun.
Life skills Habilitation
Casey worked with Carla to learn how to use on oven as part of her Life Skills session.
With Casey being visually Impaired using the equipment and appliances where adapted to make things more independent for Casey to use.
Coloured Sticker dots used on the oven dial, silicone bar strips used…
Braille Names
Casey is a Visually Impaired student who has helped her class friends by typing their names in Braille and adding them to their work books.
This has helped Casey feel more inclusive with in the class and her friends have asked about the Braille work does which will help her in her future.
Habilitation in the community
Casey worked hard with Carla her tutor visiting the community to learn how to go up and down stairs, ramps lifts and escalators.
Some of them Casey found quite nerve racking as Casey is Visually Impaired, but with encouragement and confidence Casey mastered them all. We are so very proud of…
Casey is continuing to progress in her learning of Braille, the weekly session she has helps with her reading skills with her Braille reading books.
students in KS4C made their Emotion Jars during their Thrive challenge. Each student was asked to think of something that made them happy, this would be represented by colours. The colours were layered into the jars as keepsakes. Great interaction session.
Creative Art
Summer, a student from KS4C has created a beautiful piece of Art which she made during a Therapy session . It was so good Miss Brannigan brought in a Large black frame so the piece of work could be mounted. Summer was very proud of her work which she got to take home and shareit with her…
Students and staff for KS4C took part in creating their own Red Noses for a collection of Comedy faces. Even Mr Grant jumped in and created a Nose........though he didn't look any different.
Students and staff for KS4C took part in creating their own Red Noses for a collection of Comedy faces. Even Mr Grant jumped in and created a Nose........though he didn't look any different.
Speke Hall
Students from the KS4 Art group made a visit to Speke Hall to look at the Wallpaper Designs of the Artist William Morris. The students were given the tasks to find the work within the building and sketch what they had found, alongside finding out any interesting facts. All students were polite and…
Careers for KS4
Some of KS4 students had a lovely visit from West Lancashire College today to learn all about what they can expect if/when they go to college. The Tutors Tina, Ryan, and Lauren were absolutely brilliant with the students engaging them in conversation, group activities and Team Building. We…
Maths Questionnaire
Students from KS4 visited our local shopping centre to ask different members of the public what is their favourite chocolate. They had to complete questionnaire which they will use in their next maths lesson.
Students were respectful and polite, they represented our school brilliantly.