Students in KS4 have been using their Fine/Gross Motor skills by warming up before they start their lesson.
This is normally led by the class teacher but sometimes we ask the students to lead the room, they do a great job and all the students take part. Great fun.
Lexi, a talented Artist from KS4, has independently created a drawing of a character she had watched in a film. Can you guess who it is? Such a fabulous piece of work!
KS4 Technology Club
All students in KS4 work hard through the week to earn Friday tech time using the school Technology. Some students want to dance, sing, chat or talk. This is something the students look forward to. Great fun is had by all and some great team work.
Design Technology
Students in KS4 working hard in their Design Technology lesson working on creating 3D shapes. Students
Braille Games
One of our pupils working with her VI Specialist on her phonic sounds using pictures and Braille.
Science Temperatures
Students in KS4C worked as a team to take each others temperatures, estimate the reading then document their findings. It was a fun pack lesson. Great team work.
Wake up to writing
Students in KS4 using their Fine/Gross Motor skills to wake up their Bodie, mind and hands before we start handwriting practice.
Fun is had by all and everyone is ready to work.
New Braille
Casey has started work on her new Electronic Braille Note. Casey works each week with her VI {Visual Impairment} Specialist Sharon, not only with her Braille but with all the conjunctions that come with it {Braille Shorthand}.
It takes a lot of concentration and skill so Casey is continuing to…
Drummer Girl
Miss Wright having lots of fun playing with the Naughty Elf's Present to KS4C.
The Beat Boys
Some of our students from KS4 loved what the Naughty Elf delivered to KS4C class today. A full drum set. The students loved it {and the staff}. Great fun for all. Thank you Naughty Elf!
Braille Labels
Our KS4 student Casey has been working hard on creating Braille name labels for staff for their iPads/Laptops/Badges.
Being an inclusive school, the staff have supported Casey in practicing her use of her braille machine, supported her in her CLL lessons and spellings.
This gave Casey a…
Braille Work
Our KS4 student has been working hard today on Braille Work with her VI Specialist ,this is a great help to work within the classroom.