Image of KS4W RE with Miss Rees
11 September 2024

KS4W RE with Miss Rees

KS4W enjoyed their first RE and MFL lesson with Miss Rees today. For RE we learnt about different festivals and what foods are enjoyed within different celebrations. Students discussed some of the foods they liked and disliked, and then shared with classmates the work they produced. 

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Image of KS4W - Crime WOW Day!
6 September 2024

KS4W - Crime WOW Day!

KS4W students became detectives for the day and had to solve a murder crime in the school! Students took part in different activities looking at our own fingerprints and how they are all different. They collected clues and evidence, and interrogated the suspects. The whole class had a great day…

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Image of KS4W - End of Term - Rewards Day
19 July 2024

KS4W - End of Term - Rewards Day

KS4W enjoyed a trip to West Lancs Diner & Sandy Lane park to celebrate a fantastic year in Key Stage 4. All students chose and paid for their own items and waited to collect their change. Students also got to enjoy some time in the arcades and chose a game each to play on. Afterwards, we made the…

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Image of KS4W Transition Week - Baking
17 July 2024

KS4W Transition Week - Baking

KS4W have been baking some homemade ‘Millies Cookies’ this week in their DT lesson. Students measured out all of the ingredients and followed a visual recipe to make their cookies. They turned out delicious! Well done KS4W.

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Image of KS4W Transition Week - Learning Outside the Classroom
12 July 2024

KS4W Transition Week - Learning Outside the Classroom

KS4W have been learning outside of the classroom this week. They went on a walk in the community to visit the park. All students thoroughly enjoyed the trip to the park and showed great use of their Skillsbuilder knowledge using great communication and teamwork skills. Students also showed a great…

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Image of KS4W Transitions 10/07/2024
11 July 2024

KS4W Transitions 10/07/2024

KS4 students spent some time caring for the small animals during transition weeks. Students discussed their favourite animals and talked about how we care for them. Matilda, our school therapy dog even got to show off some tricks to earn her treats!

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Image of KS4W Science - Aeroplanes
14 June 2024

KS4W Science - Aeroplanes

KS4w tested out different ways to make paper aeroplanes to see which ones flew the furthest. All of the students enjoyed flying their planes across the yard.

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Image of KS4W Boomwhackers
20 March 2024

KS4W Boomwhackers

KS4W have been learning about Eid and how fireworks are used to celebrate the end of Ramadan. We used the Boomwhackers to play along to the song ‘Firework’ and watched some videos before choosing a song each to play along to.

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Image of KS4W Maths lesson - Graphs
11 March 2024

KS4W Maths lesson - Graphs

Students in KS4 had a maths lesson all about graphs today. We used the space in the hall to create graphs using our bodies to indicate how many votes different categories got! We voted on lots of different things such as sports, colours, food and different careers!

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Image of KS4W Science - Peggy Problem!
2 February 2024

KS4W Science - Peggy Problem!

KS4W have been working on ‘Peggy Problems’ this week in Science. The students had to choose whether they thought a plastic peg or a wooden peg was stronger to hold their socks up on the washing line. Each student had to fill their socks with rice to see how strong their pegs were. As a class, we…

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Image of KS4W Science - Peggy Problem!
2 February 2024

KS4W Science - Peggy Problem!

KS4W have been working on ‘Peggy Problems’ this week in Science. The students had to choose whether they thought a plastic peg or a wooden peg was stronger to hold their socks up on the washing line. Each student had to fill their socks with rice to see how strong their pegs were. As a class, we…

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Image of KS4W Maths Lesson
29 January 2024

KS4W Maths Lesson

This term we have been working on length and capacity. In today’s lesson, students drew around their hands and feet and cut them out. They then used their cutouts to measure how many hands/feet different objects were around school.

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