KS4W Transitions 10/07/2024
KS4 students spent some time caring for the small animals during transition weeks. Students discussed their favourite animals and talked about how we care for them. Matilda, our school therapy dog even got to show off some tricks to earn her treats!
KS4W Science - Aeroplanes
KS4w tested out different ways to make paper aeroplanes to see which ones flew the furthest. All of the students enjoyed flying their planes across the yard.
KS4W Boomwhackers
KS4W have been learning about Eid and how fireworks are used to celebrate the end of Ramadan. We used the Boomwhackers to play along to the song ‘Firework’ and watched some videos before choosing a song each to play along to.
KS4W Maths lesson - Graphs
Students in KS4 had a maths lesson all about graphs today. We used the space in the hall to create graphs using our bodies to indicate how many votes different categories got! We voted on lots of different things such as sports, colours, food and different careers!
KS4W Science - Peggy Problem!
KS4W have been working on ‘Peggy Problems’ this week in Science. The students had to choose whether they thought a plastic peg or a wooden peg was stronger to hold their socks up on the washing line. Each student had to fill their socks with rice to see how strong their pegs were. As a class, we…
KS4W Science - Peggy Problem!
KS4W have been working on ‘Peggy Problems’ this week in Science. The students had to choose whether they thought a plastic peg or a wooden peg was stronger to hold their socks up on the washing line. Each student had to fill their socks with rice to see how strong their pegs were. As a class, we…
KS4W Maths Lesson
This term we have been working on length and capacity. In today’s lesson, students drew around their hands and feet and cut them out. They then used their cutouts to measure how many hands/feet different objects were around school.
Preston North End Gym Visit
Every Wednesday, a group of students take part in their Preston North End program which consists of theory work followed by sports. This week they visited a local gym to complete fitness circuits as part of their accreditations.
KS4W Wizard of Oz
KS4W’s English topic this term is the Wizard of Oz. The students enjoy a sensory story before watching some clips of the film. In today’s lesson, we all went to Oz and followed the yellow brick road!
MOVE Intervention
The MOVE Programme is an activity-based framework that enables disabled young people to gain independent sitting, standing, walking and transferring skills. Every Friday morning, a small group of students take part in our MOVE intervention completing different activities and circuits to help them…
KS4W Diwali Celebrations
KS4W have been learning all about Diwali, the festival of light. The students measured out the correct amounts of flour, salt and water needed to make salt dough and moulded them into candle holders to create their own Diwali lamps.
KS4W Myths & Legends
The topic for English during our first term has been Myths and Legends in KS4W. We have read the story of ‘Romulus & Remus’, and even acted it out with props. Our students also enjoyed a really tasty Roman feast, using our senses to smell and taste different foods.