KS4C Pets WOW Day
Students from KS4 enjoyed a wonderful WOW day to develop their literacy topic of learning about pets. Boo’s Zoo visited them and brought in meerkats, skunks, a Burmese python , an owl plus many more lovely animals. Students learned about how to care for pets and used research skills to ask and…
KS5A Visiting WLBC Offices
Today KS5A visited WLBC offices to have a look around to see what services they could offer. We was very lucky that John the Mayors assistant was able to visit the chamber and he delivered a talk all about the types of meetings that go on and the history of the building.
This week in KS3S
We’ve packed our week full of lots of activities, many of which were new experiences for us, such as trying our wheelchair rugby and visiting the small animals room to feed the guinea pigs. Students have also enjoyed swimming, going on the bikes, maths, sensory story, communication games and…
Our week in KS4L
KS4L had a lovely week.
We enjoyed a visit from Boo’s Zoo as part of our CLL wow day.
We halved shapes in maths and were crime scene investigators in science.
KS4W Boo’s Zoo - WOW Day!
In KS4, our English topic this term is ‘Pets’. For our WOW day, we were very lucky to enjoy a day full of activities all about pets!
During the morning, we used laptops and iPads to do some research about our favourite animals and then we had to design and create an animal shelter for a…
KS3C KS3W bikes
Students from KS3C and KS3W enjoyed being out on the bikes and on the Muga. Most children enjoyed on having a go on every bike that was available.
KS3C pe
KS3C enjoyed learning about how to play basketball for their PE lesson and also the importance of having to warm up before play. All students enjoyed being involved and using their teamwork and problem solving skills to be able to score points.
KS3C have taken part in a panathlon at banks hub centre competing against other high schools from the area. All students had a wonderful time taking part in circuit activities and competing for points to win medals. A good day was had by all and KS3C represented west Lancashire community high…
KS5 Work experience
KS5 Work experience group enjoyed researching the canal, learning the length, width of the canal and speaking to members of the public.
Our week in KS4L
This week in KS4L, we enjoyed reading ‘Max’s Jungle Adventure’ in CLL. Learning about greater than, less than and equals to in maths. Digging up and making our own fossils in science. Singing, dancing and using instruments in music.
KS5 Wigan rugby
KS5 enjoyed the opportunity to play wheelchair rugby. The experience was led by the Wigan rugby team.
Our week in KS3S
This week we visited Apple Cast Farm, park and cafe. We’ve also been out in the adaptive bikes, made farm themed crafts, enjoyed TacPac and a sensory story in the immersive room, and continued practicing our numbers skills in maths.