KS5W Attention Autism
As part of our careers lessons in KS5W, we have been looking at different people that help us. Today, we had a very exciting attention autism all about the Police. We started with bucket, watched a glitter shower and finished by dressing up as Police Officers! Some of us got a little too into…
KS4 Art - Jackson Pollock
Students in KS4 are studying the artist Jackson Pollock this term. They have been using the internet to research the artist and the styles of art he produced. Students have then chosen a piece of his work they like and tried to recreate it.
KS4W Life Skills 22/1/25
Students learned more about which equipment we use to wash and dry our clothes. Then they practiced folding the clean and dry laundry.
KS4W Life Skills - Road Safety
Pupils in KS4W have been learning about the dangers of crossing roads and how to cross safely using looking and listening skills. Pupils followed the rules and were all very sensible.
KS4H light experiment
Student’s in KS4H, enjoyed learning about melting points as part of their science coursework. During this, they brunt magnesium ribbon to created a bright, white light.
KS3C music 20.1.25
Students from KS3C have enjoyed their music lesson by creating sounds of winter with various musical instruments by listening to Vivaldi 4 seasons winter to become inspired and created their own winter scenes by drawing images.
This week in KS3S
This week we have been learning all about cows! Students made a cow craft and have been developing their motor skills through “milking” activities. Students have also followed 3 step instructions to make a milkshake. We’ve also been out on the bikes and practiced our counting skills.
Our week in 4L
We’ve had an amazing week in KS4L. We enjoyed starting our new story ‘Max’s jungle adventure’ in CLL. Learning about greater than, less than and equals to in maths. We were Palaeontologists in Science and made our own dinosaur fossils. We learned how to stay safe online in computing and created…
KS4W Life Skills
Students in KS4W are studying Life Skills during Spring term. Over the past two weeks, we have been practising our independence and learning lots of valuable life skills such as washing our own hands and learning to tie our own shoelaces. Students have also been learning how to use a washing…
Abstract Art
Students have been learning about abstract art and have created their own.
KS3S first week back - Farm to Fork
Students in 3S have had a brilliant first week back, beginning their new topic - “Farm to Fork”. Students enjoyed dressing up as a farmer and participating in fine motor activities linked to a farmer’s job. They also completed some Farm themed maths activities with Mr Machaj, started their new…
3As first week back
We have loved having the students back and hearing about their time off over Christmas. The students have settled back in so well and have been working hard in all of their lessons. They particularly enjoyed PE where they practiced their throwing and catching skills with a selection of different…