KS5 S Making hearts
Students from KS5S have had fun making hearts for a thank you card to give to give to a church within in the local community. The students had fun designing their own hearts to add to the card using various materials and resources.
KS5W shape maths
KS5W used art to create a shape dragon during their Numeracy lesson. Students were able to name the shapes they were using and identify the shapes’ properties. It was a lovely way of assessing students’ learning.
KS4 Developing Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills involve small muscles working with the brain and nervous system to control movements in many areas such as the hands, developing these skills supports students with writing. Each week during handwriting sessions students are given different fine motor activities to help them…
KS3L Snow making experiment
Students in KS3L have been learning all about seasons this term in science and how they are ever changing due to the earths tilted axis. The students really enjoyed a fun filled science experiment today making snow using bicarbonate of soda and hair conditioner. They then modelled the snow into…
KS5C Lunch In Unit
On Tuesday 6th February KS5C made meatball spaghetti and pancakes ahead of Pancake Day as it falls during school half term. All the students got involved in chopping veg, weighing and measuring ingredients and all took turns to flip their own pancake. The students enjoyed this meal and all said…
KS3S Visit to Skelmersdale Fire Station
Some students in KS3S enjoyed a visit to Skelmersdale Fire Station this afternoon as part of their Careers program - ASDAN Raising Aspirations. Students are learning about places and people who help them in the community. Students tried on parts of the uniform and sat in the fire engine, enjoying…
KS4L- La Chandeleur
KS4L enjoyed learning about Candlemas. KS4L learnt about French traditions and beliefs. Students followed a visual recipe to make Crepes to celebrate La Chandeleur, in a traditional French way.
KS5W Immersive room
KS5W enjoyed visiting the immersive room. They explored images from the countryside as they had just been listening to different countryside sounds in their music lesson.
KS4W Science - Peggy Problem!
KS4W have been working on ‘Peggy Problems’ this week in Science. The students had to choose whether they thought a plastic peg or a wooden peg was stronger to hold their socks up on the washing line. Each student had to fill their socks with rice to see how strong their pegs were. As a class, we…
KS4W Science - Peggy Problem!
KS4W have been working on ‘Peggy Problems’ this week in Science. The students had to choose whether they thought a plastic peg or a wooden peg was stronger to hold their socks up on the washing line. Each student had to fill their socks with rice to see how strong their pegs were. As a class, we…
KS5 Entry Level 2/3 Mathematics.
KS5 students learned about the different types of angles by being the angles and then they used metre rulers to make more angles. After an angle hunt they used their knowledge to complete some written tasks.
KS5W Shopping
KS5W went shopping to buy items for their Chinese New Year feast which they will cook next week. All students helped to plan their meal, found the ingredients, helped to scan the items and demonstrated excellent communication and problem solving skills.