Science Temperatures
Students in KS4C worked as a team to take each others temperatures, estimate the reading then document their findings. It was a fun pack lesson. Great team work.
KS4W Maths Lesson
This term we have been working on length and capacity. In today’s lesson, students drew around their hands and feet and cut them out. They then used their cutouts to measure how many hands/feet different objects were around school.
KS4W sensory story “The Querks”
During our Friday afternoon lesson, KS4W enjoyed a sensory story called The Querks. The students took part playing different characters in the story and really enjoyed it. We then had a class discussion about what makes us all different and unique.
Preston North End Gym Visit
Every Wednesday, a group of students take part in their Preston North End program which consists of theory work followed by sports. This week they visited a local gym to complete fitness circuits as part of their accreditations.
Australia Day
Key Stage 5 S had a great day celebrating Australia Day. We made didgeridoos and enjoyed listening to and playing instruments along to Australia themed music.
KS3L Weekly reflection - 26.1.24
KS3L are taking this week about the most interesting things that have happend to them this week.
Josh - letting people be independent with breakfast club and help out.
Jamie - coming in to every lesson and learning.
Joe - my cat Sasha Is friendly and kind of bites
Amelia - making…
Shopping trip to Sandy Lane
KS5W went to Sandy Lane to buy ingredients for their ASDAN work, making biscuits. They all crossed the road safely to and from the shops. In the Co-op they each took a turn to get an item off the shopping list and pay for it.
KS4 Visit West Lancashire College
KS4C & KS4H had a wonderful tour around West Lancashire College. The pupils explored course options available to them, see courses in action and explore different rooms and activities.
The students had the opportunity to visit Art & design, Business, Computer Science, Construction, Early Years…
KS5W The Wider World
KS5W have been learning about groups they belong to for their Asdan The Wider World module. They started by thinking about their family and shared pictures of them with their friends. They learned that all families are different and that their family is a group that they belong to.
KS5 Mathematics
KS5 students have been learning about rotating shapes. They have been learning about quarter, half, three-quarter and whole turns. They explored this by rotating their bodies while another student, acting as the teacher, called out the rotation to make.
KS5W Confidence in Using Public Transport
KS5W loved catching the public bus today. Students have been developing their independence and organisation skills in getting ready to use the bus, gathering their belongings and keeping their travel card safe throughout their journey. All students were able to scan their Now cards, remembered to…
KS5H Litter pick
KS5H recently took part in a litter pick after completing a survey of litter on a local walk. Students discovered that there were only a couple of bins on a mile walk and that most of the litter found was near houses. They decided that they could do something to help the environment by doing a…