KS3 maths
One of our KS3 classes working hard in their maths lesson. They have been learning Column addition. This is a skill the students have been developing over the past weeks since we began our new term and they have all been doing exceptionally well and supporting each other within the…
Team building in KS3C
KS3C have been playing games to help their team building and communication skills within their classroom. Students worked alongside each other and helping others to understand different games from chess, dominos, top trumps and jigsaws.
Science with KS3C
Students from KS3C have had a wonderful science lesson learning about rocks and soil. Today they investigated soil and what it is made from. They learned the layers of soil and shared their findings with the group. Next week they are making their own from food!
This week in KS3S
This week we have been learning to sort items by colour, shape and size. We’ve also enjoyed exploring Mexico through our sense, dressing up in sombreros, making maracas and creating artwork. Our word of the week this week is “more” and we have all been using this in different ways across the…
Our week in KS3S
We’ve had a fabulous week in KS3S, visiting the immersive room for our sensory story, exploring Thailand, counting, matching colours, communicating using our core word of the week, and working on our gross and fine motor skill development.
Exploring Thailand
Students in KS3S have followed Granny to Thailand this week in their Topic lessons. Today they explored Thailand on Google Maps, learnt about Thai animals and made an elephant craft using ripped newspaper. Students learnt to identify different animals from Thailand, and matched the animal to its…
Hoovering in KS3S
Students in KS3S have been hoovering as part of their ASDAN Raising Aspirations program in Careers, which aims to support their life skills. Students enjoyed locating the plug socket and using it safely, exploring how the hoover worked and then hoovering up the mess the staff left on the…
KS3A’s Topic Day
Our topic this term is Around the World. To celebrate this the 3A took part in the topic day.
We started the day by taking part in some arts and crafts from around the world. We made Chinese Lanterns, the students decorated these in their own way and took pride in their…
KS3C food from around the world
Students from KS3C have enjoyed tasting food from around the world. Students got to try prawn crackers, choco pains, pineapple , olives, gherkins, popadoms with mango chutney, croissants, pitta with hummus, biscuits and flavoured juice. This allowed students the opportunity to try foods they may…
Shoe box appeal KS3C
Students from KS3C have been busy making up and decorating their boxes to donate to the shoe box appeal. Each student had brought in items to put into their boxes and designed their own labels so that those who receive boxes will know who has sent them. Boxes contain colouring books and crayons,…
Samba Music KS3C
Students from KS3C enjoyed learning about samba music and creating their own body precaution singing cards to come up with their own beat. All students enjoyed creating their own sounds and presented them to the class.
Exploring Turkey through our senses
Students in KS3S have been enjoying their termly sensory story “My Granny went to market”. In the story, Granny flies on a magic carpet to different countries around the world. This week, Granny visited Turkey. Students enjoyed an Attention Autism session, made an “evil eye” mosaic and…