Image of KS5W Immersive room music
17 April 2024

KS5W Immersive room music

We loved exploring the keyboard in the immersive room today. We were able to change each wall to play a different instrument. What fun!!


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Image of KS5L at Up Holland
4 April 2024

KS5L at Up Holland

Last Thursday, KS5L performed at Up Holland High School. 

We were performing as part of the Arts Festival “Kaleidoscope”, in front of a huge audience.

We overcame stage fright, performing in public and going to a new venue. 

We were all extremely brave, talented and Stars of the…

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Image of KS5W Breakfast Barms
27 March 2024

KS5W Breakfast Barms

KS5W continued with their Business Enterprise learning and opened up another breakfast cafe for staff. They cooked sausage and bacon and buttered bread rolls ready to serve to staff. Students are really enjoying running this small business. Watch out for out next pop-up cafe in the hall.

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Image of KS5H Wellbeing Day
25 March 2024

KS5H Wellbeing Day

While learning about wellbeing, KS5H designed their own wellbeing day. Students voted for their chosen activities and recognised how important it was to be able to eat well, exercise and relax. 
We started off the day with a lovely breakfast before having time to talk with our friends, play games…

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Image of KS5 W Park Visit
22 March 2024

KS5 W Park Visit

Studnets loved visit the park recently and even found the Gruffalo when exploring the woods.



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Image of KS5 L2/3 English Group Library Visit
15 March 2024

KS5 L2/3 English Group Library Visit

Students enjoyed visiting the school library to explore the variety of books on offer. Some students had the chance to listen to a story being read to them.


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Image of KS5 Wonderful Wednesday
13 March 2024

KS5 Wonderful Wednesday

What a wonderful Wednesday we have enjoyed. We started off our wonderful day with data handling. We began to learn about making pictograms. After break we cooked a feast when we made homemade chips, southern fried chicken and flapjacks. We have been practicing how to peel and did a great job with…

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Image of KS5W Pop-up Cafe
8 March 2024

KS5W Pop-up Cafe

On Friday the 8th of March students from KS5W took part in creating a pop up cafe for family and peers from KS5S and KS5H. This is part of KS5W Business Enterprise and learning how to make money. The students baked cakes to sell to family and peers and were able to make £26.00 profit after initial…

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Image of KS5W Friday Music
1 March 2024

KS5W Friday Music

Another wonderful music therapy session this afternoon. Students are blossoming with confidence. Everybody loves these sessions which are great fun and include relaxation at the end.

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Image of KS5W Shop
1 March 2024

KS5W Shop

Students love Fridays because they get to open up their savings which they keep in their bank in class, count their wages and then spend them in the class shop. Everyone worked really hard on morning jobs this week and there were lost of bonus payments for effort and good choices.

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Image of KS5W Shop
1 March 2024

KS5W Shop

Students love Fridays because they get to open up their savings which they keep in their bank in class, count their wages and then spend them in the class shop. Everyone worked really hard on morning jobs this week and there were lost of bonus payments for effort and good choices.

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Image of KS5W Community Shopping
1 March 2024

KS5W Community Shopping

Students loved going shopping for their lunch in unit menu for next week. They have planned a healthy lunch box and will make it next week. They also bought items they needed for their pop-up cafe which served breakfast barms today. Everyone worked really hard as a team and practiced community…

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