Image of KS5W Traffic Survey
28 February 2024

KS5W Traffic Survey

KS5W really enjoyed surveying traffic to record the different colours of cars going past. Afterwards they counted and shared their results. There were more white cars on the roads that morning than any other colour. This was closely followed by blue and silver.


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Image of KS5W Pizza
28 February 2024

KS5W Pizza

KS5W loved making their own pizzas today using fresh homemade dough. Students used their mathematical knowledge to describe the shapes they made. They learned how to roll the dough and layered their pizza by following instructions. They used good listening skills and were very organised at tidy up…

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Image of KS5W Music Friday
23 February 2024

KS5W Music Friday

KS5W love Fridays when they have Music Therapy with Mrs Sinclair.


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Image of KS5W Breakfast barms
23 February 2024

KS5W Breakfast barms

KS5W cooked sausage and bacon breakfast barms this morning for staff. They are going to be opening up a pop-up cafe soon as part of their Business Enterprise challenge and wanted to start practicing. Lots to be learned from today and everybody worked really hard. Staff said they enjoyed their…

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Image of KS5 Drama Club
22 February 2024

KS5 Drama Club

Students from KS5 have been creating a horror script with the aim of recording it as a movie. More details to follow. It is top secret at the moment!!. It promises to be a scare fest!!! Be warned!!!


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Image of KS5W shape maths
7 February 2024

KS5W shape maths

KS5W used art to create a shape dragon during their Numeracy lesson. Students were able to name the shapes they were using and identify the shapes’ properties. It was a lovely way of assessing students’ learning. 

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Image of KS5W Immersive room
5 February 2024

KS5W Immersive room

KS5W enjoyed visiting the immersive room. They explored images from the countryside as they had just been listening to different countryside sounds in their music lesson. 

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Image of KS5 Entry Level 2/3 Mathematics.
1 February 2024

KS5 Entry Level 2/3 Mathematics.

KS5 students learned about the different types of angles by being the angles and then they used metre rulers to make more angles. After an angle hunt they used their knowledge to complete some written tasks. 



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Image of DofE Photography
31 January 2024

DofE Photography

As part of their DofE Skills Section, KS5H have enjoyed working on a photography project. We have explored different photography genres, researched famous photographers and tried different photography and editing techniques to make interesting and creative images. Here’s a small selection of the…

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Image of KS5W 3D shapes
31 January 2024

KS5W 3D shapes

KS5W had great fun today looking at different 3D shapes and trying to match them to everyday objects.

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Image of Australia Day
26 January 2024

Australia Day

Key Stage 5 S had a great day celebrating Australia Day. We made didgeridoos and enjoyed listening to and playing instruments along to Australia themed music.

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Image of KS5W The Wider World
25 January 2024

KS5W The Wider World

KS5W have been learning about groups they belong to for their Asdan The Wider World module. They started by thinking about their family and shared pictures of them with their friends. They learned that all families are different and that their family is a group that they belong to. 

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